The World’s Largest Gold Reserve

Who has the biggest gold reserve in the world? For some people, gold is an overvalued metal. For most of them however, this precious metal has a very defined value.

Gold is the only physical good that has its own monetary value. It does not create any risk for the country, it can be invested between countries and it’s a metal that has no cultural, racial, political or religious boundaries.

Even if today’s currencies are no longer supported by gold itself, the precious metal has important purposes: secure a transaction, a credit agreement or a guarantee fund. In fact, it is an important tool to consolidate the global economy.

Therefore, gold is a highly coveted strategic resource and it’s important to identify the 6 countries that have the largest gold reserves in the world.

Gold reserve by country

1.  The United-States

The world’s largest economy holds nearly 8133.5 tons of gold, which represent about 72.6% of its foreign reserve assets. They outperform by far the other gold reserves in the world.

2.   Germany

Germany holds 3369.7 tons of gold in its reserves and is therefore the second country with the largest gold reserve. The proportion of gold in the country’s foreign reserve assets is 67.8%.

3.   Italy

Despite the fact that Italy has used most of its reserves to bail the European repayment fund, it still owns 2451.8 tons of gold, which represents 66.9% of the country’s foreign reserve assets.

4.   France

France is the sixth largest economy in the world and is ranked in 4th position in this top 6 with nearly 2436 tons of gold. It represents about 61.1% of the country’s foreign exchange reserves.

5.   Russia

Russia has 2150.5 tons of gold, which represents 19.1% of the country’s foreign reserve assets. The Russian Federation has doubled its reserves in just a few years and continues to buy large amounts of gold on the global market.

6.   China

The world’s second largest economy is as of now ranked last in this top 6 with 1874.3 tons of gold in its official reserves. However, the Bank of China has never published its current gold reserves. According to some analysts, China currently holds between 2000 and 3000 tons of gold in its real reserves.

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