Photography tips
Below you will find our tips for taking better photos of your items to make them stand out. Better photos will draw more attention from clients and result in higher prices for sellers.
Use professional lighting fixtures
We recommend that you use professional lighting fixtures in order to make your currency stand out. Ordinary lighting such as a light bulb or a flashlight might result in a darker image and worse color.

Photograph only the item you want to sell
Having several items in the photo might distract or confuse the potential buyer. Any unrelated items should be removed from the photo.

Use a neutral background
Using a neutral background helps the buyer to focus on the item. We suggest a white background.

Photograph both sides of the coin
Buyers want to see as many details as possible. Always take photos of both sides of the coin (obverse and reverse). The more you highlight those details, the more your customers will be encouraged to buy the item.

Take your photos one at a time
If you want to sell a collection, take photos of each item separately so that the buyer can examine each coin in the collection. Just having one photo of the entire collection will undermine your success.

The photo must accurately represent your item
Any signs of damage or scratches must be accurately mentioned in the description and highlighted in the photos. Showing full disclosure fosters confidence between the buyer and the seller.

Steady your camera
Try to use a digital or professional camera rather than your smartphone in order to obtain a clearer image. Using a tripod or other mount will provide consistent size and distance for your photos.

A better photo encourages purchases
The first photo uploaded will be the first displayed. This picture must draw attention and convince the buyers that your item is the most worthwhile.

Include boxes and certificates
If your item has an additional box or certificate, mention it in the description and take a photo of the whole set to make it more attractive.

Avoid selfies or showing any other parts of your body
Buyers are interested in your item the most - avoid reflective surfaces and make sure your body is not visible in the background.

Capture all of the details
Buyers are picky - they will be looking for details. A high resolution image showing all of the details will be much appreciated.