Special offer

What do you need to do?
- Create a FREE account. Choose Millenium subscription and use this code – MS2020 to get your subscription FOR FREE.
- Publish 100 items* online: coins, banknotes, medals or orders.
- We are offering a 1 year Millenium subscription FOR FREE!
*You need to reach this number to get credited your 1 year Millenium subscription.
Only the first 20 will enjoy this special offer!
What are the benefits of the Millenium subscription?
You are a special member of the Millenium State community:
- you will benefit the lowest fees;
- you will be able to publish items as much as you want;
- you will see the ads first;
- you can call us for any question;
- you can import your items from other marketplaces;
- you will enjoy additional benefits from your MS membership.
1 year Millenium subscription price – 359.88 €, and we are offering this for FREE for a limited time, do not miss it!